
3D效果如果不戴特殊眼鏡看的話,你會覺得自己的散光大概多了一千多度,可是特殊眼鏡戴太久的話又會頭暈,其實整個過程都在欺騙自己的大腦,所以這 85分鐘我就在散光跟暈眩當中度過,而且這是一場沒有互動的演唱會,一切都很平靜,事實上這是個缺點,不過不能怪觀眾,誰叫放映前有個卡通人物跳出來叫大家關機,機都關了誰還敢喊安口,不過說實在的,我們安口喊到死他也不可能再多唱一首。


Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own的歌詞:

Tough, you think you've got the stuff
You're telling me and anyone
You're hard enough

You don't have to put up a fight
You don't have to always be right
Let me take some of the punches
For you tonight

Listen to me now
I need to let you know
You don't have to go it alone

And it's you when I look in the mirror
And it's you when I don't pick up the phone
Sometimes you can't make it on your own

We fight all the time
You and I...that's alright
We're the same soul
I don't need...I don't need to hear you say
That if we weren't so alike
You'd like me a whole lot more

Listen to me now
I need to let you know
You don't have to go it alone

And it's you when I look in the mirror
And it's you when I don't pick up the phone
Sometimes you can't make it on your own

I know that we don't talk
I'm sick of it all
Can - you - hear - me - when - I -
Sing, you're the reason I sing
You're the reason why the opera is in me...

Where are we now?
I've got to let you know
A house still doesn't make a home
Don't leave me here alone...

And it's you when I look in the mirror
And it's you that makes it hard to let go
Sometimes you can't make it on your own
Sometimes you can't make it
The best you can do is to fake it

Sometimes you can't make it on your own
Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own是Bono獻給他父親Bob Hewson的,他親自在他父親2001年的喪禮上獻唱這首歌。
ometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own收錄在2004年推出的專輯How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb。How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb奪得2006年Album of the Year和Best Rock Album,Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own拿下同年葛萊美獎的Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal。


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